Archivi tag: Navy

Danza in Marina Militare – Dancing in the Italian Navy

Marina Militare…Questa volta aggiungiamo anche una traduzione in arabo, affinché i terroristi si spaventino all’idea d’affrontare una Marina Militare così abile a ballare. The Navy’s chief himself dances between politicians and wheeler-dealers, even bragging the phone. The Navy’s chief himself dances between politicians and wheeler-dealers, even bragging the phone. It was better when Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi seemed to give proof of understanding all about toasted almonds[ii], rather than see him jockeying to remain in service one more year.
الديزل سرقة الوقود قبل عصابة القاتل المعروف باسم باندا ديلا Magliana Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in armi, Marina Militare, polis | Contrassegnato , | 5 commenti